Tuesday 3 October 2023

Strumble and Llys-y-fran

Strumble Head. 9am-1pm'ish By the time Paul and I arrived we'd missed 8-9 Arctic skuas, but did manage 3 pale Arctics, pick was an immaculate juv Sabine's gull, seen very close in travelling with a small group of kittiwake and in perfect light, a 1st winter Little gull, 5 Black tern, otherwise 150 Scoter, 20 Sandwich tern, 5 Commic, 5 Ringed plover and 2 Red-throated diver.

Llys-y-fran: 2 Caspian gulls (adult, 1st w), 5 Yellow-legged gulls (4 adult and 1st w), otherwise 3,000 adult LBB gulls at 3:30pm with a few 100 more dropping in around 6pm, c20 Herring gull and 2 Common gull. 3 Little grebe, 2 GC grebe and a Little egret. A first Redwing.