Thursday 12 October 2023

WeBS counts on the Avifauna

I've updated all of the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) graphs on the avifauna to show all 2022-23 counts.  You can see them here. From early November, the monthly graphs will be updated with the 2023-24 counts. 

If you'd like to join the WeBS team, there are a few sites that need counters:

Millin Pill (on the Cleddau estuary near Slebech)

Trefloyne Pools (near Tenby)

Tretio Pools (near St Davids)

Crickmarren Pond - near Hundleton

Orielton Decoy - near Hundleton

Withybush Pool - in Withybush Woods near Haverfordwest

These last three sites are relatively easy if you're not feeling confident about the ID of waders and wildfowl at a distance, nor are the numbers too daunting.

Counts are done on a specific Sunday in the middle of the month - or as close to that date as is practicable.

If you would like to take part, please read the instructions, sign up for WeBS on the BTO site and choose your site from the vacant sites page (you have to zoom in to see the sites).

Thank you.
