Saturday 14 October 2023

Yellow-browed warbler, still Martins Haven

George's YBW was very vocal and busy at 8am this morning, still in the blackthorn scrub behind the NRW offices/WC. Also blue and great tits, goldcrest, male Blackcap and at least one chiffchaff, apart from the Blackcap everything appeared to be moving as a flock. An hour later it seemed deserted just the Blackcap, the wind had freshened and was funneling through the valley, I could hear goldcrest and tits in Sash's withies so they may have moved there. Otherwise Siskins moving south in numbers their squeaky tu-lee calls carrying on the breeze for the hour I was on the Deer Park, skylarks silent until 9am, from then on their chirrups were constant. Red kite low over the bracken on the Deer Park, Dunlin calling and a lone Golden plover passing over. 30+ Chough in the field behind Lockley lodge with smaller groups and a few pairs on the walk from Marloes Mere.