Friday 6 October 2023

Yellow-legged Gull - colour-ringed

During our Celtic Deep pelagic on 3rd September I noticed one of the juvenile large gulls in the slick had a green darvic ring on it's right tarsus.  A couple of the birders on board managed to get some photos that allowed the ring to be read - 93P:C.  I didn't really pay the bird much attention at the time, being too focussed on trying to read the ring.  When I got the photos alarm bells began to ring, and then when I searched for the colour-ringing scheme on cr-birding I realised it was a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull!

This has now been confirmed with the ringing report just received.  It was ringed on 7th June as a chick at Ile de Planassa, Peyriac-de-Mer, Aude, France (HERE).  Lovely resighting!

We also had a green-ringed large juvenile gull on one of the August trips but were unable to read the ring on that occasion.

Photo: Steve Culley