Saturday 4 November 2023

Castlemartin Corse

A spectacular hour on the upstream part of the Corse below Castlemartin church, extensive standing water  almost to Corston even though the outfall is working OK. Lots of ducks - 98 mallard, 12 pintail, 350+ teal, 8 shoveler. 

I ran into Steve Alderman who told me there had been greylags there a day or two earlier. Waders - 40 curlew, 12 lapwing, snipe. Water rail heard. Raptors - female sparrowhawk by the church, and on the Corse 2 buzzard, 2 marsh harriers ( one adult female, one 2CY bird too far away to tell), and a (the) ringtail hen harrier, female judging by her size. 

Anyone interested in a visit, the route now  leaves the road just above Castlemartin Church and crosses the Corse east of the farm buildings (it was re-routed some time ago, though the new route has yet to appear on OS maps). Not that you could cross the Corse under current conditions.