Thursday 2 November 2023


For a change it was a dry walk at the Gann late morning, but still breezy following Storm Ciaran.  Managed to read quite a few colour rings, mostly Redshank, Curlew and Oystercatcher ringed locally by the Pembrokeshire Ringing Group.  One Curlew had non-local bling: a yellow ring over a metal ring on the left tibia, and a white flag inscribed with X41 on the right tibia.  This bird had been seen by Bryn Burgess on 7th September, but he was not able to read the code on the flag.  The bird was ringed in the Netherlands on the island of Terschelling in the Wadden Sea earlier this year.  Further details awaited, but the first non-UK Curlew recorded at the Gann as far as I am aware.

Other birds included 4 Brent Geese (1 ad and 1 1CY dark-bellied, 2 adult light-bellied), a Great Black-backed Gull ringed in Dorset (for the 3rd time - P:28F).  Highlight was a Hooded Crow on the beach with several hundred corvids, mostly Jackdaw, one of which had very strong white neck-markings and was presumably a Nordic Jackdaw (or at least giving a good impression of one).  Also lovely to see 2 Firecrests in scrub by the road just up from Jubilee Cottages.