Saturday 11 November 2023

Rosebush and Llys-y-fran

Rosebush reservoir: a pair of Tufted duck and 2 female Goldeneye, single Great crested grebe. 3 Coot and 3 Moorhen. Chip-chip of Crossbills nearby but couldn't see them and a few Fieldfare and Redwing in the hawthorns. Be careful walking down the roadside verge there's a cover missing from a drain access by the anglers car park, I've reported it to the council.

Llys-y-fran: A probable adult Caspian gull, just managed a quick photo before the roost took flight. The sizeable roost was very jittery this evening, the whole lot lifting off at regular intervals, at times it looked like someone had shaken a giant snow globe. 4-5 Yellow legged gulls (3-4 adults and a 3cy). 20+ Common gulls, 8 Mediterranean gulls (4 adult, 2 2nd w and 2 1st w). One of the adult GBBs was marauding through the gulls but I don't think it was responsible for their overall nervousness. Otherwise: A Kingfisher, 2 GC grebe and 3 Little grebe. 2 flocks of starling flew across from Tufton side heading SE (Slebech?) around 4:30pm. (I visited previously on the 3.11.23 when I made 2 counts 4:30pm 7,000 LBBs and again at 5pm when there were 7,500 no count attempted tonight though numbers of BH gulls looked to have increased).