Sunday 19 November 2023

Rosebush and Llys-y-fran

Rosebush: 2 drake Goldeneye, pair of Tufted duck. 4 Mallard, 3 Coot and single GC grebe, which flew the length of the reservoir, not often you see them in flight. 67 LBB gulls bathing and drifting back to the fields. 30 Fieldfare in the hawthorns.

Llys-y-fran: Good selection of waterfowl. 17 Teal, 6 Mallard, pair of Wigeon, drake Goldeneye and a red-headed Goosander. Great-crested grebe numbers up to 6. Single Little grebe and a Moorhen. Dozen cormorant. The number of roosting gulls was almost overwhelming and the stiff westerly shaking the scope not helping. Best counts were 7,500 LBB at 4:40pm, 1,500 BH gulls at 4:15pm, 150 Herring gull (inc a couple of rugged looking Argentatus-types), min 12 Common gull, 5 Mediterranean gull, at least 5 Yellow-legged gulls (4 adult and a 3cy bird), 3 adult GBB on the lookout for an easy meal.