Sunday 17 December 2023

Another GWE - Crickmarren Pond

WEBS count today at my new patch of Orielton Decoy and Crickmarren Pond, which I took on in the autumn as an antidote to the Corse. I have yet to see a bird on the decoy lake, but the pond is a lovely spot. Today, a flash of white deep in the bulrushes turned out to be a great white egret, keeping company with a grey heron. It stayed in deep cover most of the time, my autofocus preferred the bulrushes. 

I stopped the lady who lives in Orielton Mill to point it out, it turned out she had glimpsed it in recent days without knowing what it was, so almost certainly a different bird to the one we saw yesterday at the Corse (4.5km away). Also present were 32 teal, 6 cormorant, 8 mallard and 17 moorhen. Not there today were the usual gadwall, nor did I see the usual little grebe.