Tuesday 19 December 2023

Bits and pieces

WeBs counts along parts of the Daugleddau and Carew/Cresswell Rivers last Sunday produced generally low numbers of wildfowl. Apart from a roosting flock of 98 Oystercatchers at Lawrenny (none were ringed), lower numbers of waders too. Oystercatcher numbers here have been increasing though in recent winters. A single Common Sandpiper was also at Lawrenny - an area where they have previously overwintered. 

Four Goosanders (adult male and 3 females) at Creswell Quay were a bit unusual on a WeBS count here. However, this species is probably under-recorded along the Cresswell River. A Turnstone and a Pintail were also a bit unexpected on the Daugleddau.  

At lunchtime today, we had a brief look at Cosheston Pill where there was a Great Northern Diver feeding in the bay off Waterloo at high tide (a typical location for this species at this time of year). 

Later on, 78 Black-tailed Godwits were resting on the muddy shore below Pembroke Castle. A search of Black-headed Gulls around the Pembroke Millpond area produced a single colour-ringed adult red 2C19 which was resting on the platform on the middle pond. It was most likely ringed in the UK, but we’re waiting for information about where and when.