Thursday 21 December 2023

Hook - Firecrest, Spotted Redshank, Whooper Swans

 2 walks of the dog by Sprinkle Pill today turned out to be quite productive for birds. This morning produced a Firecrest in the woods at the head of the pill. This evening a Spotted Redshank at the head of the pill and 4 Whooper Swans flew over the pill mouth before heading east to Landshipping.

Also at the pill mouth a flock of 70 Black-tailed Godwits feeding. A flock of Dunlin flew around for a bit before also landing at the water's edge. Amongst them a black bird of very similar size - a starling! Presumably it had got caught up in the excitement of a passing, fast moving flock of birds of about its size. It sat on the mud for a minute or so before realising its mistake,  taking off alone to find its brethren.