Wednesday 3 January 2024

Castlemartin Corse

Extensive flooding, water lapping inside the hide, so great for wildfowl. I started upstream where there were 2-300 teal, 100 mallard, 60 shoveler, 40 wigeon, 2 mute swans and 40 greylags, plus snipe, gulls (200 BHG, 2 common, a few herring) on the water (I didn't attempt precise counts). A female marsh harrier, almost certainly a newly minted 3CY♀, was perched precariously on a bush. 7 redshank were unusual for here, a little egret was feeding in the field by the farm sheds. A large flock of lapwing. Most exciting upstream were two otters lolloping along together in the long wet grass, they disappeared into a drainage ditch before I could point the camera at them. 

I met Rob Lewis in the hide - we'd both just seen the great white egret in flight, and a cattle egret in flight made it a 3-egret day. I await Rob's photos of the egrets. A second ♀ marsh harrier was hunting very actively, Rob had been watching it while I'd been looking at mine upstream. Again, plenty of ducks, a small party of golden plover. A huge lapwing flock meant over 1000 on the Corse today. A single coot and 3 little grebe on the water. 

Marsh harrier from the hide
The upstream marsh harrier
Some of the 40 greylags