Tuesday 9 January 2024

Castlemartin Corse

Marsh harrier (3CY♀), buzzard  and great white egret at the inland end. Red kite at both ends, 1 or 2. Alan Merrett was in the hide. Lots of ducks in that area, at least 70 shoveler and 6 wigeon, probably 300 teal. Two water rail scrabbling about near the hide, I managed to take an excellent shot of stock netting with purple blurs behind. David O's 3 whoopers dropped in again, flying in from the west, stayed about half an hour and then flew back west. Two of the three posed prettily. 

A flock of 90-100 stock doves were flying around the low fields at Gupton, flew across to the Kilpaison side after a particularly loud burst of gunfire from the Range.