Wednesday 10 January 2024

Gann / Marloes Mere

A short walk at the Gann after a bout of Covid this afternoon, it was good to see the sun and breathe in the fresh air!  Plenty of Wigeon and Teal, and a single Great-crested Grebe in the bay.  A yellow colour-ringed Med Gull (AZ.UK) was a new one for me, although I am expecting it to have been ringed at Rehbach Gravel Pit, near Leipzig, Germany (all of the previous eight yellow ringed birds at the Gann were all from there: AL.HE (now AS.UJ), AL.JA, AL.LP, AT.HT, AZ.HV, AZ.PA, AZ.US, AZ.UT.

Had a quick look at Marloes Mere, basically as Krystal describes (including a Marsh Harrier).  I did spot a lone Canada Goose at the western end from the car park that looked a bit different (small(ish), shorter necked, shorter billed?) so I traipsed west to have a closer look. Not entirely sure what it is: there was no other geese to compare it to!