Friday 12 January 2024

Med Gull yellow AZ.UK

As expected, Wednesday's colour-ringed Med Gull was from Rehbach Gravel Pit near Leipzig, ringed as a nestling in 2019.  She appeared in Devon in January 2020, and then northern France that July-September, before a brief spell at a site on the coast NE of Hamburg in May 2021.  She wasn't seen again until April 2023 when she appeared at a German North Sea colony, NW of Hamburg.  She went on to have 3 chicks with an un-ringed male that hatched on 2nd June, but one died soon after and the remaining 2 had succumbed to Avian Influenza by 25th June when she was alone in the colony.  This is the first sighting of her since.  Let's hope she has more success in 2024.