Sunday 28 January 2024

Pwllcrochan Flats and West Angle - WinGS

A WinGS count at Pwllcrochan Flats this evening produced a small roost of 42 Common Gulls and 47 Black-headed Gulls in mid-channel, 3 Great Crested Grebes were also loafing near the roosting gulls. 

Other species of interest included 89 Oystercatchers, 12 Curlews, 4 overwintering Whimbrels and 5 Redshanks.  All the waders were feeding low down the shore at low tide, but all moved up channel (some probably into Pembroke River) when the shore began to flood on the rising tide.

As noted on Friday last week at Llanreath, further up the Milford Haven Waterway, numerous Herring Gulls flew down channel heading towards South Hook. They were still moving down that way when it became too dark to see anything much at all during increasingly murky/misty conditions.  

Annie, doing a WinGS count over at West Angle/Chapel Bay, recorded a roost of 114 Herring Gulls and a single LBB Gull on Thorn Island. Sadly, there were no roosting Cormorants though at this former colony.