Saturday 13 January 2024

Rosebush and Llys-y-fran reservoirs

Rosebush reservoir: Pair of GC grebe doing a weed dance. 8 Tufted duck (6m), pair Wigeon, single Teal and drake Goldeneye. 3-4 Coot.

Llys-y-fran: hardly any gulls on the water at 3:15pm with only 50 large gulls. By 4:15pm numbers had risen to 810 BH gull, 350 LBB, c50 HG, 16 Common gull, single 2cy GBB. BH gulls started to arrive in numbers from 4:30pm with 1,200 soon rising to 2,300 at 4:45pm and more coming in as I was leaving at 5pm. LBBs didn't arrive until 4:45pm too spread out and too late for a count. A bit of quality though, with an adult Caspian obligingly bathing and showing spread wings (my digiscope efforts are just too pixelated), 5 Yellow-legged gulls, 5 Mediterranean gulls. 210 Canada geese, 8 Goldeneye (5m), single female Wigeon. Kingfisher and a heron (not as regular here these days, increased bankside disturbance perhaps). 5 GC grebe and a Little grebe.