Wednesday 24 January 2024

WinGS - Rosebush and Llys-y-fran

Paul, George and myself met up at Llys-y-fran this evening to do the gull count. A bit of a different mix today. Among the early arrivals between 3 and 4pm were 10 GBBs (9 adult and a 2cy) and 7 Mediterranean gulls (inc 2 3cy and a 2cy), both decent numbers for here. These were joined by 700 BH gulls, 500 LBBs, 50 Herring gull and 30 Common gull. 

Between 4 and 5pm numbers of BH gulls built quickly with 880 soon reaching 1700 by 4:30pm with gulls arriving from the south. LBBs rose more gradually, birds coming down from the surrounding fields to the east and a wave from the south, counts of 1300-1850-3500 eventually peaking at 4900 at 5:15pm. A count of 70 Herring gull was a bit conservative. 6 Yellow-legged gulls (5 adults and a 2cy) was more typical of recent visits. By contrast final counts of 90 Common gulls and 26 Mediterranean gulls were higher than usual. Pick of the roost was an adult Caspian (from its size presumably a female) and what appeared to be an adult LBBxHerring gull cross. Otherwise 6 Goldeneye (4m),  8 GC grebe and 2 Little grebe. 

Rosebush reservoir earlier: 7 LBBs the only gulls mid afternoon. 7 Tufted duck (5m), single drake Goldeneye, pair GC grebe and a heron. A Tawny owl over the road near Clarbeston Road.