Monday 12 February 2024

Castlemartin Corse

After Saturday's low WEBS count, I returned this morning, not least to see if there was any sign of the pallid harrier - there wasn't, last reported sighting on 7th unless anyone knows different. Anyway: today the ducks were out in the open, around 140 teal, 17 mallard, 7 wigeon and 11 or so shoveler. A pair of trilling little grebes was nice. A large flock of 800* or so golden plover were in a stubble field on Newton Farm (the next farm along from Kilpaison Burrows, half a mile away): after much flying about with lapwing they relocated to the last flooded meadow on West-Court Farm, upstream. Exact counts too difficult - I don't bring my scope to the Corse these days as the going is just too treacherous, I've fallen over even with my Alpine walking pole. 

A brief view of the female marsh harrier over the reedbed below Newton Farm was the only raptor sighting. 

* A rough on-screen count at home, magnified with clicker, suggests over 1000 in this flock.