Friday 9 February 2024

Gann / Marloes Mere

I was hoping for a good number of gulls at the Gann early afternoon but it was not to be.  Highlights were both Great Northern Diver and Great-crested Grebe offshore, a Reed Bunting along the ridge and 2 Mute Swans on the lagoon.

Over at Marloes Mere the bird numbers were far higher, in particular in the newly ploughed field west of Trehill Farm on the road to Martin's Haven.  Approximately 2,200 Golden Plover and 530 Lapwing was a real sight to behold.  Excellent scope views from the road in good light, try as I might to find something rarer amongst the throng the best I could do was, strangely, 6 Dunlin.

On the mere itself the Goldeneye remains, along with the 5 Tufted Ducks.