Sunday 4 February 2024


The Hooded Crow on the beach at the Gann late afternoon, only the third time I have seen it all winter.  There were LOTS of corvids feeding on the beach.

Also lots of (predominantly) small gulls, the tide and light were perfect for going through the gulls as they gathered pre-roost.  I did one count of Mediterranean Gulls and got to 119 - a pretty sharp increase since the turn of the year.  Age breakdown was approximately 5 2CY, 15 3CY and around 100 adults.  I picked up 6 colour-ringed birds (1 green, 2 yellow & 3 white), and managed to read all except the green one.  All have previously been seen at the Gann (3 ringed in Belgium, 2 Germany).  I am not one to applaud casual violence, but watching some of the Meds walk amongst the flock battering anything in their way (sometimes even going out of their way) is extremely entertaining and highly recommended viewing.

How many Meds?

How many Meds?