Sunday 25 February 2024

Marloes Marsh Harrier Yesterday

A female Marsh Harrier was feeding on carrion yesterday at Marloes Mere in front of the Britton hide. I had seen what looked like an intact dead Herring Gull there on Tuesday. The water levels are the highest I have ever seen here with the old lane now flooded, so no chance of a fox getting to it in the meantime.

 Also still present was the female Goldeneye and two pairs each of Gadwall and Tufted Ducks, along with smaller numbers of the usual species and at least 15 Snipe enjoying the sun on the edges. Disappointingly on a sunny day there was no sign of Lapwings or Golden Plover after around 2,000 of the latter had been swarming around on a very dull Tuesday. Most species of birds on the mere and along the coast appeared to be paired up, but there were no obvious summer migrants yet, although there was a Chiffchaff behind the toilet block at Martin's Haven.