Wednesday 7 February 2024

Ring-necked duck at Rosebush

A female Ring-necked duck greeted Paul and I at Rosebush reservoir this afternoon, always distant and keeping tight to the edge of the reeds on the north side,  it did drift out of sight into the far bay for a while, but apart from that was moving up and down the reed fringe. Otherwise 7 Tufted duck (5m). 2 each of GC grebe, Coot and Moorhen.

Llys-y-fran was somewhat disappointing after recent visits, still no sign of any large white wingers this winter. Lots of gulls already on the water and with the scent of slurry there was lots of coming and going as gulls dropped in to bathe before heading back to the fields. Gulls were appearing from all directions tonight. 2,500 Lesser black was on the low side, 2,000 BH gulls was more typical but 960 Herring gull was the most for a while and included many 2cy birds, (seems to be an increase in Herring gulls around this time). Min 6 adult Yellow-legged gulls and 6 Mediterranean gulls (4 adult inc one with full hood, 2 3cy). 2 GBB and a scattering of Common gull. 3 Goldeneye, 5-6 GC grebe, 3 Little grebe, 2 Heron flying across together. 8 Greylag the only geese.