Sunday 18 February 2024

Ring-necked duck, still Rosebush reservoir

Nice to see the female Ring-necked duck just a little closer today, its face gleaming silvery grey even at distance in the bright sunshine. 7 Tufted duck (5m), 2 GCG, 3 Coot, 2 Moorhen, 2 Teal, pair Canada geese.

Llys-y-fran continues to disappoint, very few gulls on the water with many still just visible in the surrounding fields as I was leaving at 6pm. Best was the LBB/Ring-billed cross. 2 adult Yellow-legged gulls, 6 adult Mediterranean gulls showing some courting behaviour, and like Dave mentioned a couple giving their excited drawn out 'yay' calls. 850 BH gulls at 5pm had risen to 1,000 at 5:15pm. LBB max 1,200 at 5:30pm. A hatch of black midges had the BH gulls busily paddling after them as they emerged at the waters surface.