Tuesday 5 March 2024

Castlemartin Corse

25 black-tailed godwits flying west, then east, past the hide was the big surprise this morning. I relocated them upstream in the wet rushy pasture. 4 shoveler (3 ♂ 1 ♀) dropped in, followed by two ♂ gadwall. Otherwise quiet-ish - 7 mallard, 12 teal. The coot had sorted themselves into two pairs, a moorhen was swimming about and a little grebe was trilling in the reeds. Brief view of the female marsh harrier upstream, that and a buzzard the only raptors. About 500 gulls (mostly herring, about 70 LBB and 20 BHG) upstream with the usual 15 greylags. 3-4 Cetti's and the usual small birds. On the Kilpaison Burrows fields, a big jackdaw flock and 70 stock doves were feeding in a field of sheep. 1-2 chough heard in the distance further west, 2 ravens.... 

Jackdaws and stock doves (and sheep)