Saturday 16 March 2024

Castlemartin Corse

Upstream - a few ducks on the remaining flooded area with the gulls, 7 pintail, 3 gadwall, 2 shelduck and 4 mallard, 30 teal flying about in the distance. A commotion among the gulls was caused by a goshawk flying over the Corse from S to N. That and a buzzard the only raptors. 3 little egrets in the rushy area.

Further along in the hide area, 2 more little egrets and a grey heron, 4 shoveler and a few more mallard and teal, 4 coot, moorhenlittle grebe trilling somewhere in the reeds. 7 curlew, the odd snipe and a single golden plover the only waders. A flock of 27 stock doves flew over.