Sunday 3 March 2024

Rosebush and Llys-y-fran

Rosebush: No diving duck. The pair of GC grebe were courting, and 2 pairs of Canada geese. Nipped up to Newport for a look at the GW teal, no sign from the bridge but Jon G and Steve B put me onto it on the upstream bend viewed from the inland Pwll Cornel path. Last hour of daylight at Llys-y-fran: as is the way at the time of year very few gulls roosting, 400 BH gulls, 300 LBBs, about 20 Herring gull, 6 Common gull, single adult GBB, single adult Mediterranean gull and single adult Yellow-legged gull. Min 6 GC grebe, pair Little grebe. 4 Goldeneye (3m) and a pair of Red-breasted merganser appeared to be doing some courting / synchronised preening.