Tuesday 2 April 2024

Martin’s Haven

 A Hooded Crow flying past our window at eye level has been the pick of the birds here over the Bank Holiday weekend. 

But a passage of Redwings was a real treat: we normally only see one or two on the ground each year, but Saturday’s influx of 12-15 was a real treat. Despite the best efforts of the local Blackbirds, the Redwings stayed around all day, mainly deep in the bushes, calling to each other frequently.

They had mostly cleared out overnight, to be replaced by a handful of Chiffchaffs and an increasing flow of Willow Warblers. Mid-morning, we got up to a dozen Willow Warblers, but increasing numbers of birds flew in from the South and East, and none appeared to depart, leaving most patches of gorse or sallow with several birds, feeding intensively, and hawking for midges - 50+ birds. Also 5 Blackcaps, and three Adders basking in the sun.

Out on the Deer Park, 4 Wheatears, looking quite territorial close to previous nesting areas.