Sunday 25 August 2024

Strumble Head

First visit of the season this morning between 6-11am. Never ceases to amaze me the range of birds that can pass by. Top bird was an adult Sabine's gull picked up by Craig Constance who along with Arthur were visiting from Gwent. Craig also had a Leach's petrel but Arthur and I couldn't get on it. 12 Arctic skua with many chases, some right up to the lookout. Lots of Storm petrels, (we settled on 18) with groups of 4-5 milling around in mixed feeding flocks of gulls, kittiwakes and manxies drawn in by something. Steady passage of terns inc 10 Black tern. Good selection of waders, 14 Whimbrel, 18 Dunlin, 10 Redshank and 2 Sanderling. 35 Scoter, 5 Teal and a GC grebe. Waves of Sand martins were heading directly towards the lookout ahead of some squally showers. It went a bit quiet at 11 so I left Craig and Arthur to it.