Sunday, 1 September 2024

Out and about

Bookended the day with a bit of birding. A 7am start at Marloes Mere turned up a Marsh harrier with light patches on the leading edge of the wings (an adult female), on my return around 8:30 a different much darker juvenile harrier had replaced it, putting up all the duck (mostly mallard) and a snipe. Otherwise the walk out and around the Deer Park was really quiet, single Willow warbler among 20 Goldfinch and linnet in Martin's Haven and another in the withies by the Britton hide. 3 Ringed plover calling overhead. Flock of 16 chough on the Deer Park. Water rail in Sashs garden. I stopped off at the Gann but no luck with the Little Stint.

I nipped back for high tide this evening. Thankfully Derek was on station as was the Little stint zipping along the waters edge like an over wound ginger clockwork mouse. It was among a growing group of Ringed plover (65) and dunlin (10-12). Otherwise, 22 Redshank, 2-3 Greenshank, a single Barwit, a Knot and the Curlew sandpiper was on the pools. Whilst chatting to Dave and Lisa a Kingfisher flashed by. 12-13 Little egret. And a Greenfinch in the scrub by the car park.