Sea watching efforts were rewarded today, with volunteers Mike and Ted putting in over two hours this morning at Skomer Head and again this evening at the Garland Stone. Totals from the Wallen's and island team included:
Roseate Tern 1
Arctic Tern 3
Common Tern 19
Sandwich Tern 4
Comic Tern 8
Arctic Skua 5
Bonxie 1
Common Gull 1
Black-headed Gull 89
Common Scoter 12
On-land highlights included a Wryneck at The Harold Stone and a Coot on Green Pond. 10 Whinchat, 2 Pied Flycatcher, 10 Spotted Flycatcher, 10 Blackcap, 13 Willow Warbler, and a Goldcrest.
You can find the recent sighting from the island here: The
Skomer Island Blog: Recent sightings/highlights
Lisa (on behalf of Mike, Ted and the Skomer Team)