Sunday 20 October 2024

Carew/Cresswell and Landshipping area - WeBS

Quite a high tide this morning meant that WeBS counts along the Carew/Cresswell required various diversions to avoid flooded roads, e.g. at Cresswell Quay. For a short time, water also flowed over the French Tidal Mill causeway at the Carew Millpond. 

Wigeon and Teal numbers were relatively modest (c.300 of the former and 190+ of the latter) but no Shelducks were seen on the river, although parts were difficult to see due to squally conditions. 

Approx. 80 Redshanks, 70+ Oystercatchers, 110 Curlews and a couple of Black-tailed Godwits roosted together near New Shipping Point but only a few Dunlin. Several Redwings were feeding on berries in hedgerow trees near Carew River. 

A bit later, up at Landshipping, 112 Redshanks (a reasonable total for this area) were avidly feeding along the muddy shore on the falling tide. Four Greenshanks, 12 Dunlin and 70+ Lapwings were also here. A Kingfisher was feeding at Millars Park lagoon. Four Little Grebes (probably sheltering from the rough water in the main channel) were also feeding in the lagoon.

Over on the opposite side of the Daugleddau, near Fowborough Point, c.700-1000 Golden Plovers were often in the air. They had possibly been spooked initially by a Goshawk that flew over. At least 50 Greylags took off from a field near Knap Wood and flew south-east in the direction of Lawrenny/Carew at around 11:15.