Thursday 17 October 2024

Osprey Landshipping 5th time lucky

After four visits over the past month an Osprey obligingly put in an appearance for me at Landshipping this morning at about 11am. Good view as it circled and and made its way downriver. Always impressive to see.

Flock of 42 Dunlin nice and close in but they refused to be anything other than juvenile Dunlins! Another 18 or so flew to the west shore. Other waders included just one Greenshank, 13 Redshank, 2 Oystercatchers and 2 Curlew, and on the west shore, 9 Ringed Plover, more Curlew, a single juv Bar-tailed Godwit, c75 Lapwings, and the now very large and impressive Golden Plover flock that, at a very rough estimate must number 800-1000 birds. The plover flock took flight on several occasions and looked fantastic with the morning sun on them, showing in turn the brilliant white underparts and golden brown uppers!

There were 44 Teal, and 12 Wigeon near the quay but on the far shore was a further flock of at least 114 Wigeon. A Peregrine put in a late appearance presumably responsible for flushing the Goldlies a couple of times earlier. Also noted, amongst others, a Kingfisher, 3 Shelduck, 3 Great Crested Grebes, and a Chiffchaff., oh and a birder on the west shore (hi!).