Friday 11 October 2024

Restless winged spirit over Dowrog! Starlings off for breakfast and wow, the sky last night!

Spent yesterday afternoon at Dowrog and after missing the Pallid Harrier by 10 mins it finally reappeared at about 4pm. What a great bird, amazingly buoyant, almost tern-like flight, agile, and fast, a restless spirit!, covering a large area in a short time. Went way off to the west over farmland at one point then did a wide circuit back over the common, frequently mobbed by crows! 

An added bonus was several sightings of Hen Harriers including a well marked ringtail and a superb adult male. There were 2 well separated sightings of each so not sure how many were present altogether...

Early morning at Llawhaden Thursday

Just after 7:30am a long stream of 700-1000 starlings hurtled low across the valley eastwards, presumably dispersing from a roost, perhaps from the reedbeds along the Cleddau?

Aurora show

Amazing to see the beautiful dancing lights across the sky last night. My second lifer of the day! Thanks for posting those stunning pics Bob and Annie.