Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Rosebush and Llys-y-fran reservoirs

Paul and I had a look at the reservoirs this afternoon. Rosebush: 8 Tufted duck (4m), single Goldeneye, dozen teal, 10 Mallard, 3 Coot, 2 GC grebe, single moorhen and Little grebe. Llys-y-fran: a sparse very late forming roost with many gulls remaining in a recently slurried field as we left so no meaningful count made. A Little egret also in the same field picking up worms. Herring gulls had certainly increased. Just 2 adult Yellow-legged gulls, single adult Mediterranean gull with almost full hood, an adult Argentatus herring gull and a BH/Mediterranean hybrid the pick. 6 male Goldeneye, single Tufted duck. 6 GC grebe, 3 Little grebe. 285 Canada geese with a single Greylag.