The annual walk around the breakwater, organised by the Wildlife Trust; Mid Pembs Group in conjunction with the Bird Group, took place this morning. c60 keen bird and animal observers braved the chill on an otherwise very promising day in terms of good visibility and calm sea state. A few porpoises and a seal on the north side of the breakwater were a welcome start but after that sightings of marine mammals were limited. Other mammal news - we found what we thought to be otter spraint at the start of the breakwater on the north side - at the start and at the base of the high wall extending west from the breakwater.
By the end of the walk a good variety of birds had showed themselves albeit observers at the front of the group undoubtably saw a different selection to those at the back. Some of the birds such as the divers seemed to appear later, after the morning's boat activity in the harbour had died down. The following list combines Clive H's with mine.
Cormorant 2+, Shag 1, BH Gull 50+, Kittiwake 2+, Common Gull 2+, Herring Gull 2+, GBB Gull 3, Red-throated Diver 3, Great Northern Diver 2, Common Scoter 3, Guillemot 15+, Turnstone 1, Dunlin 4+, Sanderling 1, Oystercatcher 10+, Curlew 3, Robin 1, Black Redstart 1, Rock Pipit 3+, Carrion Crow 1, Rook 1.
Thanks once again to Dave Ramsey for organising the event both beforehand and on the day.
A wing stretch in between dives.