Friday, 24 January 2025

North Pembs

 From Jack Williams - Productive day around sites in Pembrokeshire.

Goodwick harbour-2 Male Goldeneye, 6 Med gull, 4 kittiwake, 2 Red throated diver, 1 Great northern diver, 1 Great crested grebe and 1 Ringed plover with 10 turnstone.

Whitchurch village- Female type Black redstart flitting around by the church.

Nothing much at Newgale  Beach/Campsite or solva harbour.

Trefeiddan, St. Davids- Juv Iceland gull by the pond and then headed towards the farmers fields near pencarnan campsite. Male Hen Harrier hunted for a good 30 minutes and a Merlin putting up lots of snipe and few Teal.