Thursday, 2 January 2025

The Gann

From Bryn Burgess: The Gann 2/1/25  0900 - 1020hrs

A beautiful crisp morning with no wind.

A Common Eider and Great Crested Grebe in the bay.  On the pools: Oycs 30, Kingfisher, L Grebe 5, Wigeon at least 37, 7 Teal, Redshank 4, Greenshank 4, a Bar - Tailed Godwit, Snipe 2, 2 L Egret c100 Lapwing in flight, single Moorhen and Sparrowhawk (m), Curlew 69 on the marsh & field behind.  Also a Red Kite seen  from the car just before the pools.