Saturday, 8 March 2025

Castlemartin Corse

Two wheatears and a sand martin or two seen at the Fresh West end. Water level as high as ever, to the point where the young whooper could sail into the reeds and disappear. Two marsh harriers, both 2CY, 1 ♂ and 1 ♀.  Two Canadas and five shoveler in front of the hide, two greylags flew over,12 mallard, 20 teal

Hoof prints along the main E-W track a surprise, coming down from Gupton on the track nearest the hide and carrying on past Starmans to return up the actual bridleway. Two days maybe three. Given that the mud is still mid-welly deep in places and unavoidable, seems like perfect conditions for a horse to lose a shoe, or worse.