Thursday 25 August 2011

Osprey & Yellow Wagtails

A long walk from Picton Point westwards along the shoreline to the mouth of Millin Pill was rewarded with views of an adult Osprey carrying a fish (a mullet by the looks) in from the top end of the pill. It landed on a log in the pill and sat there for a while looking about whilst the fish continued to wriggle. After 10 minutes or so it took off and flew back up the pill. We had a brief view of it a little later but no sign of yesterday's juvenile....all very interesting.

Single Whimbrel & Bar-tailed Godwit at the Gann, at St. Ann's Head no fewer than 9 Yellow Wagtails (cheers Trev) including at least 2 bright males - difficult to digiscope in the strong wind but efforts not too bad. No waders on Dale Airfield and none on the small pool in front of the old hide at Marloes Mere. (Dave A & Paul G)