Friday 23 March 2012

Spring is here and hopefully so are the CHATS - can you help with this important survey in Wales?

The BTO chat survey of Wales is now "live" on line, so please have a look at the site via the following web-link

We'd like to encourage you help with the survey if you can, by choosing one of the randomly selected 1km squares to cover - one visit per month is needed in each of the months of April, May and June - it's not too onerous.

If you’ve already entered survey data to the BTO web site before (e.g. for the Atlas or BBS etc.) you should be able to sign in quite easily, using your usual user log in name and password. If not, then it is quite straightforward to register.

Annie and I were up at Ramsey Sound yesterday. Pair of Kestrels were around most of the day but very quiet in the Sound as far as seabirds were concerned. At dusk when we left the area we noted a fine short-eared owl quartering the rough ground either side of the St Justinian road near Trefeiddan. Chiffchaffs of course were singing in various places on the edge of St David's City. Whilst walking back along the road to St Justinian (with our lunch!) I heard what I thought was a "yaffle" calling near St David's. It was a bit distant and only heard once so I couldn't be absolutely sure - but has anyone else seen or heard one near St David's recently?