Tuesday 30 October 2012

Dale Airfield and Marloes peninsula yesterday (29th)

Dale Airfield yesterday was full of Jackdaws and Starlings, but relatively little else. Best was a very large flock  (c.200?) of Linnets feeding in the ploughed field at the East end by the main gate. The flock had a handful of Skylarks in it, and possibly other species; a fly-over of 5-6 small birds were probably Lapland Buntings, but I am not familiar enough with their calls. On the airfield itself, no Snipe (a remote-controlled aircraft may have put them down), but 4-5 Reed Buntings.

At Marloes Mere, 2 Reed Buntings, a Chiffchaff and Goldcrest in the sallows by the Britton Hide, and a flushed Water Rail. No sign of Derek's Glossy.

On the way back to Martin's Haven, up to 3 Merlins (all female/juvenile-type) chasing the flocks of Starlings,  a couple of Sparrowhawks, and a Peregrine.

It was a lovely day for Black Redstarts, and many thanks to Paul Grennard for pointing me in the direction of the 2(+) on Renny's Slip, feeding with a bunch of Rock Pipits (and a very out of place Robin!). And my thanks to whoever called over the Deer Park Wall  to point out to my wife that a Black Redstart was on our roof! I missed that one, but the tip-off was hugely appreciated.

In the valley, 1-2 colourful Chiffchaffs, a Goldcrest, and several Stonechats.