Sunday 30 December 2012

Marloes & Dale

Early afternoon at the Mere and the Tufted Duck count was up to 8 (5 drakes), the Scaup was still present (as Sash reports) and also the Pochard.  I too had the 4 Pinkfeet, and flight views of the Glossy Ibis.  I could not find or even sniff the Ring-necked Duck, yet late afternoon it appears (from a very distant photo) that Derek G did see it, as viewed from the car park.  It's elusive!

On to the Gann where 47 Teal was a good count on the lagoon and 4 Mediterranean Gulls graced the shoreline (3 ads & a 1stW), one of the adults sporting a nice green ring which I could not read.  On to the roost at Dale where 7 adults presumably included the 3 above, Common Gulls were in excess of 80 birds.