Thursday 27 December 2012


Pantmaenog: Nice morning up in the hills with a few birds about. Seemed to be more goldcrests than usual, party of 10 Long-tailed tit, 2 stonechats, small flock of redwings and 2 snipe put up separately from beside the path. Ty Rhyg: Just a couple of Bullfinch and a Great-spotted woodpecker. Rosebush Res. 10 Fieldfare, 11 Tufted duck, the male Pochard, 8 Goldeneye, 4 Little Grebe and a couple of teal. This evening whilst nipping over to Pembroke Dock called in at Cosheston Pill (by Watersports Centre) the 2 Great Northerns were giving excellent views just mid-channel (100m out) picking up crabs every dive it seemed, 50-60 curlew up towards the recycling depot.