Tuesday 25 December 2012

St Bride's Bay

Newgale to Goultrop yesterday revealed less than a hundred Scoter...and no sign of Surf nor Velvet (or any Scoter in fact) at Broad Haven.  However, 300+ Snipe circling a flooded Newgale Marsh in big flocks was quite a spectacle.

Today another 'run-of-the-bay', although not quite as thorough, revealed just a single drake Common Scoter (at Haroldston), but redemption at Goultrop Roads with no fewer than 15 Mediterranean Gulls amongst a sizeable roost of Black-headed, Lesser Black-backed & Common Gulls (10 adults, 3 2nd-winters, 2 1st-winters).

Merry Christmas All / Nadolig Llawen I Pawb.