Saturday, 2 February 2013
Gann (am): Flock of 30 woodpigeons, 10 Brent, Merganser (f), 6 Goldeneye (2m, 4f), 2 Bar-tailed godwit, Greenshank. (pm) Great Northern diver close in and a RT Diver much further out. The merganser was out in the bay with 2 Goldeneye. Airfield: Hen harrier being chased by 2 gulls and a Knot was unusual. On the walk across to Marloes a pipit had me thinking Water Pipit SM 78777 07277 in corner of a field beside the coast path where there's a drain/spring, with a Meadow pipit, Grey wagtail and Pied wagtail but would need someone to id. No sign of the RND at 2pm, but caught up with it and Derek later. At first it was on the bank preening, viewed from hide on the northside, but was out on the water when I got back to car park.