Thursday 30 May 2013

Dale & Marloes

An interesting afternoon with my old mate Mashuq Ahmad (Mush).  Started at the Gann where a flyover group of 8 small waders contained 7 Dunlin and a calling Purple Sandpiper - sounded like a Swallow!  A site tick for me and a late spring record.  Also here 4 Whimbrel, Shelduck & Grey Heron.  On to a blustery Dale Airfield where activity was limited....the odd single Linnet the highlight.  Finally on to Marloes Mere where we had the Glossy Ibis from the barbed wire gate along with 6 Black-tailed Godwits - 3 in summer dress, the others much duller (apologies for the Derekesque pic, they were a long way off!).  Lots of hirundine activity - plenty of Swallows and House Martins, and at least 6 Swifts.  We met visiting birder Craig Reed who had seen a dark phase Arctic Skua at 4.22pm and earlier a Little Stint at the Gann.