Thursday 30 May 2013

Martin's Haven Spotted Flycatchers

Passerine passage has felt almost non-existent in the last week or so, but today was a nice example of the degree to which birds continue to move through even when the wind has a strong northern element.
We found a Spotted Flycatcher in the gorse on the Deer Park later in the afternoon. An hour watching the sallows in the valley between 6 and 7pm at least one more flycatcher, and by 8 in the evening there were 3 or 4 along the length of the valley. Other highlights were a Willow Warbler, at least one Sedge Warbler that broke into snatches of song and a Chiffchaff that also sang briefly.
Not many Stonechats around: there seem to be only a couple of pairs on the Deer Park, perhaps half the number that we used to get before the last two tough winters.