Monday, 10 June 2013

A trip out to the Smalls

We took advantage  of the very settled sea state to visit the Smalls at low tide yesterday. Highlights included huge numbers of seals (frankly, we all forgot to count, probably 200+) and lots of Kittiwakes resting on the steps of the Lighthouse itself. On the islets we found a couple of summer plumage Turnstone and had brief views of a flock of c20 small waders in flight. We eventually found 3 Sanderling that could well have been part of the flock.

Plenty of the "usuals": Gannets, auks and large gulls. We tried a little improvised "chumming" (a secret, but very smelly recipe; still washing hands and clothing) and within 15 minutes had a mass of large gulls along the trail, some Manx shearwaters and one (perhaps 2) Storm Petrels that could be glimpsed quartering over the line. Great fun (apart from the mess); we will do better next time.

Highlight on Grassholm on the way back was a Peregrine.