Wednesday 29 January 2014

Clive's Gull

A campaign for a new gull name?!  Just a short comment on the fascinating gull Clive found and photographed at Freshwater West yesterday.  As soon as I clapped eyes on the underparts and the bill combination, juv American Herring Gull was screaming at me, but clearly it is too washed out and pale on the upperparts for that, plus Clive reports it was a massive (Glaucous Gull sized) bird.  So my conclusion is (as others have stated) an American Herring Gull x Glaucous Gull hybird - Nelson's Gull - and a dark one at that (compared to the gulls photographed at Simpson Cross and Newgale recently, and many photos on-line and in specialist gull identification books).  I have yet to find a Nelson's Gull photo with such dark underparts, undertail coverts, and underwing coverts as this bird.